All water can be classified into one of these categories. Acidity, Neutrality and Alkalinity are, however, only very
general terms, and to know the degree of each condition we require accurate methods of monitoring. The accepted
terminology denoting the exact characteristics we desire is pH. pH is a numerical designation between 0 and 14 with 7 (the midway point) being neutral. Any value down from 7 to 0 is the acid range, and values from 7 up to 14 are in
the alkaline range.
The terminology pH is the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration to the base 10. Therefore, a hydrogen ion concentration of 10 is expressed as pH 7 (neutral), 10-1 pH 1 (acid), and 10-14 pH 14 (alkaline). It is therefore obvious that the difference between each number is 10 times and the difference between pH 7 and pH 10 is actually 1000 times.
